The knights of summer, dude. The knights of summer.
The knights of summer, dude. The knights of summer.
Cersei proved that shit by going on her document-ripping spree.
Ernest Saves Dodgeball
I also got the impression that their raping Theon wasn't part of the plan, and maybe that's why those dudes got killed.
My gf wailed when they revealed that Theon had been returned to the torture chamber. It was priceless.
Varys also had that whispered conversation overheard by Arya by the dragon skeletons in season one. I know it was a long time ago, but it seemed he was doing some plotting of his own back then, and spoke of the Wolves and the Lions being at each other's throats.
Do you want the mustache on or off?
I have what I guess I would call a reasonably sexy friend who is an emergency room doctor who once explained to me the final measure for dealing with an erection lasting longer than four hours. It's horrible, frankly, and involved the term "penis hole punch." Check the wikipedia entry on priapism if you want the full,…
These are wonderfully shot and produced. Great stuff to feast on while waiting for the next Undercover.
The what and the what and the what?
It's much easier to kill bad guys by dropping quarters on their heads.
I participate in a Book Club for Dudes, and this is locked in as my next pick. Can't wait. CivilWarLand was so wonderfully weird, funny, and sometimes moving.
Having seen only Army of Darkness and not knowing this would be back-to-the-basics terror of the first one, I stupidly just watched this trailer at work and am not feeling a little queasy in the ol' stomach. Seems my threshold for gore and horror at the office has just been exceeded.
Bobby Joe Williams and family get paid a visit by their local dentist.
That Gucci Mane link got me, too, especially the sentence, "And to celebrate his newfound sanity, he got a tattoo of a
triple-decker ice cream cone with lightning bolts shooting out of it
right on his face." I laugh all the time at my desk, though, so they're used to it.
I guess Marisa Tomei no longer loves short, quirky bald men.
I guess Marisa Tomei no longer loves short, quirky bald men.
According to the pamphlet, after you stab me, all the gay will drain out. I have a feeling you may need to suck out the last remaining drops, though.