Mr. Alaska

Damn. Adam Rex celebrity drop-in.

I REALLY wanted to like it, and thought parts of it were definitely good. I like Paul Rust from his work on Comedy Bang Bang! and Gillian Jacobs, but in the end it was exhausting. Worth checking out if you want a series that goes against expectations. Claudia O'Doherty was great, FWIW.

Saw it a few weeks ago and really enjoyed it. When my late-60s mother asked if she would enjoy the show I'd seen, I very carefully explained that I was already a fan of the comedians, that it's a particular brand of humor, and that it makes fun of Broadway a lot. Her review after seeing it? "Not my favorite Broadway

Looks like I picked the wrong book for my book club. I went with A Monster Calls and am getting lots of flak about how sad it is. Love Ness, though.

I want this to succeed. The trailers don't look like much, but I thought the trailers for SPY were also terrible, and ignored most people assuring me the film was good until I finally sat down and watched it and was pleasantly surprised.

I give holding out hope…4 stars!

They did. James Murphy just released a statement: http://lcdsoundsystem.com/m… To summarize, he wants to make more music, he wants to make it with the other people from that group, he wants to tour again, so LCD Soundsystem is back.

I can't wait for the "Great Job, Internet" that is just the isolated track of the kazoos.

There's still a little too much of guys punching each other in the face without much blocking, but the sequences are far improved over previous versions. The one fight Jesse mentioned that worked as one take was particularly exhilarating.

I saw this at an early screening in Philly (with a very nice Michael B. Jordan, plus Wire-alum Brian Anthony Wilson and a bunch of the crew, in attendance!) and I second this review. It was refreshing to see life injected into what has been an up-and-down franchise. The beats in the script work, the fight scenes work,

I saw it at a premiere screening in Philly and it was surprisingly enjoyable. I'd go B, maybe even B+.

Ha, I had a friend who worked in a studio who told me D'Angelo basically had the place on retainer for whenever he wanted to come in and record. Said friend said he never thought this would come out. This was like four years ago. Glad he was wrong! First listen is proving enjoyable.

Surprised by the exclusion of Allison Tolman though.

See, I never would have noticed them if not for their utterly ridiculous band name. Saw them on the bill for Bonaroo 2011 and, while I didn't make it over to see them, I definitely remembered them. They are much better than their dumb name would indicate (though this remix is unnecessary)

Skipping Philly this time. Bummer. They put on a really good show this winter.

I'm also curious to know How He Weigh.

Disliked his character, loved his power, eventually came to enjoy him. One of my lazier DM friends inserted Raistlin as a character in our AD&D campaign and it was…dumb. And boring.

This new album ain't bad. I picked up a copy at a show in Philly. Start with the last one, though. That one's killer.

I'll play along. I'd like a song about DiBruno Brothers, the Schuylkill River, the state of the school system, and, oh hell, the Phillies.

Predatory Wasps live with the full strings and horns section is just remarkably beautiful. I remember almost losing my breath when I heard it on the Avalanche tour.