I adored Fall Out 3. Never finished New Vegas.
I adored Fall Out 3. Never finished New Vegas.
I loved A Prayer for Owen Meany, but I read it as a 7th grader so who knows if it holds up. I used to really be into books and movies where every little thing has significance later, although now it often feels forced. Someone buy me a stuffed armadillo!
Where'd you have a bison burger? (I live in Philly)
Reading it for my book club. 30 pages in and I'm, um, not liking it. I'll stick with it lest my book bros make fun of me, but does it improve significantly?
EVERY TIME this stupid shit makes me laugh.
Just refer to this one as "The one where she has that weird lavender hair," or "Lavender" for short.
I hope they include the Oreo scene. That shit was priceless.
He just released that song today as part of a 5-song Valentine's Day package of ridiculousness: http://eefbarzelay-clemsnid…
Haven't watched the show, but live in Philly and have heard a lot of the buzz around it. I live around the corner from Nick's new Philly restaurant. Two friends of mine ate there Tuesday night and said it was one of the best meals they've ever had.
Knew Scovel from some podcasts and went to see him on a whim while on a trip in San Francisco. Very, very funny set. Much better than I was expecting. He does some great anti-comedy bits, and pounds some jokes into the ground so hard that they become funny again. I like that he takes risks, and I'm excited to check…
No concert tickets are purchased without a consideration of the artist's hair first and foremost. If it seems she'll be rocking the silver locks, I'll sell my tickets the night before.
Anyone else going in Philly? I'm hoping her hair will have returned to something resembling normal by then…either that, or she fully embraces the crazy and wears, like, a space suit made of squirrel fur.
Bears are crazy. The'll bite your head if there's a steak on it.
Stop Labeouf.
I moved to NYC to pursue a career in children's books in 2008 and was immediately pointed to Vizzini as someone to read. I loved Be More Chill and It's Kinda a Funny Story, and just missed meeting him on a few occasions. When I began seeking authors to work with, I pointed to his voice as something I wanted to find.…
I routinely whisper-repeat "It's Been" to my girlfriend whenever the phrase is uttered in public. See also, "MY WIFE"
How'd you see it in Philly, and why wasn't I invited?
And drug problems for the original actor, if I recall correctly?
I buy albums when pre-ordering gets exclusive promo codes for first crack at tour tickets. Also when I like and want to support a band. Also, sometimes, when the girl at the counter at the record store is particularly cute, and I want to impress her by purchasing Warren Zevon albums.
Ouch. There was a lot of excitement about this film because it was shot in Philly; sucks to hear it was apparently bad.