Achilles Dudewrecker

Awesome. I have a soft spot for Fallout 3, as it was one of those games I kinda played constantly during a tough time in my life. That and Left 4 Dead! Anyway, I enjoyed Fallout 4 as well, and kinda wished ***SPOILER FOR A TWO YEAR OLD GAME ON A THREAD LONG DEAD*** the ending had some kind of diplomatic resolution

So it's been two years. Have you made it to Megaton yet?

LOL, OK, Mr. Cormac McCarthy!

Well then by all means.

Some Duuuuuuuude. Don't be messing with that shit. Seriously.

What the WHAT NOW? So Picard and crew are copies of copies of copies? Surely there are some issues there.

The hammer is your penis?



"Ahem. THIS is a ship. Ugh, get those cameras out of here."

How many Keiths Urban to a Milwaukee?

2002? Where are his parents? Do they know he's on the internet by himself with a BUNCH OF WEIRDOS?

Alright alright alright

Like, lube and glitter, all mixed together? Asking for a friend.

They wouldn't want to set the world on fire.

Ohh I'd take my payout in ammo, please.

Shots fired. But not in the trailer.

Nah, Art of War is just a bunch of obvious advice, like don't go do battle with the sun in your eyes, pretend you are weak when you are strong and vice versa. Slipping the tongue in is more of a psy op thing, probably developed by the Nazis.

Donny got a little hot under the collar! HAHHHHHHHH *henchmen bust in with Tommy guns*

Hey! Fellow 1980 person!