Achilles Dudewrecker

$63,000/yr seems like a lot for a nanny. Is it because of the possibility of knives flying by themselves, wardrobes that open into the void, and the slow descent into madness? Psssh, I bet it's just their neighbor, old man Murray, trying to get them to sell.

Doesn't he know John Mayer already has done that whole thing? The douchey, body-is-a-wonderland, funky-white-guy thing? I suppose Mayer's like 50 now, so every generation has to go through this.

I bet it wasn't really the guitarist for Blue October, but just a dude who looked like him. I get that all the time, but for late 90's era Antonio Banderas instead.

It's like that for musicians, too. It's actually like that for everything. Too many people. We need a good plague.



Say coyote roadkill one more time.



I can't get enough of Dying Light. I finished the main story a few days ago, and now have loaded up the main DLC for it, "The Following." Even before this huge DLC, the game was super fun for just running on rooftops with a friend. This game scratches a parkour/zipline/scavenging itch I didn't know I had. One minor

I'm calling it: the plane hits the ground right at the climax of Freebird. Cut to black.

Having to slow down and think how to proceed reminds me a lot of Portal, which I loved. I don't really trust game reviews like I don't trust movie reviews. Too many times my opinion on something has been the opposite of what I've read, and I was glad I took a chance on something I was warned away from. Buuuuut this

Before getting to Far Harbor, I'd be sure to level up in radiation resistance and if you have some weapon that does extra damage to Mirelurks, bring it!

Why build synths? Because they can. Also, sexbots.

So far, I've found three that you can build up. I've completed Far Harbor, but I haven't fully explored every square inch of it. I plan to do so soon, with Longfellow, who gladly traded me his awesome hunter's long coat for a suit of lead-plated power armor.

That's what he was saying. He thought he had to go one by one down the tree, but later realized that once he reached the gated level, he saw that he could cherry pick perks.

I like to think of my character as the only PR rep for the Institute. Busting raider heads in Institute power armor, and putting up Minutemen and Institute flags at every settlement. Hearts and minds.

You mean, "adeppting"?

Turns out, Bruce Willis was Walking Dead.

Didn't the head priest or whatever say the Children WERE responsible for the fog spreading? There wasn't any more to that, though, as I kept waiting for it to be revealed they were fucking with the sub's reactor or something.