Achilles Dudewrecker

I completely agree with your win-win there. I was director of the Institute and still doing Railroad missions (because I had a thing for the flint-hearted Desdemona) until it came to the point of no return - to attack the Institute, at which point I had to go ahead and destroy the Railroad. As head of the Institute,

Not that hard as a level 97 in power armor.

festive af

Very strange. I just had a younger coworker explain to me how it works today.

'Twas always thus.

She's had that perma-smirk since forever. A character on Game of Thrones even refers to her as "that smirking whore from High Garden." I feel it's to mitigate the inordinate space between her upper lip and nose.

Yes. Nathalie will not do anal.

So you're saying the pre-nup written on this Whopper wrapper is no good? WHOOO HOOO, I can go back to Taco Bell!

What's tatoes, Precious?

That one adds a level of intensity to the context that always makes me laugh.

I posted a picture of that fish, along with innumerable other images of deep sea creatures as a joke on Facebook. I even would look up facts every day and post them, ironically. It turned out to get me really interested in deep sea life.

What's my brother-in-law Manuel got to do with this?

Make it all classy-like. Really though, I feel like people who don't really watch TV or movies do that.

I wonder how many times the dude looked at himself in the mirror at just the right angle to make it appear as if the woman's silhouette boob was going into his mouth. I feel like I'd do that everyday before I left for work.


Make reservation.


They're real, and they're spectacular!

I got a faeces notification because I'm faency.

Turns out the whole series is Rodney King's hallucination whilst having his LA riot beat down.