Achilles Dudewrecker

They have that on tap down at the Gothic Asshole.

I thought all AV Club commenters' ejaculations were ironic.

I keep it on the Lowdown at all times. Can't get enough of Mama G.

As a nerdy kid who grew up never far from my inhaler, I know that would never happen.

Geloca and Yulus, when the walls fell!

Objection, on the grounds this is very bad for my case.

You're doing it wrong. You have to look THROUGH the page to see the image. Don't cross your eyes or you'll see an inverted image.

It's one of those light switches that has a little dude painted on the panel so it looks like the switch is his dick.

It might just be my sleep deprevation, but I can't stop giggling at this.

if i was a dog

Exactly. And the sentences should be shorter, letters all lower case, and more asking if he is a good boy. I swear these gimmick accounts are getting lazier by the day.

Radiohead's doctor said that it's not safe for him to throw anything with his eye all droopy and whatnot.

Exactly the reason why I learned to operate a mouse with my non-dominant hand.

Shit yeah it sounds fun.

Oh, that's probably where I went wrong, because those little fellas were so fun to decapitate with my shuriken.

You mean her flying broom has a "vibrate" function? HEYOO political humor!

I got to a point in the game where I simply didn't know what to do next. And I never just give up and not complete a game when I spent money on it (especially as younger, poorer me). I suppose I could search it up on Youtube or something, but at what cost?

Filled with quarters you mean.

"Hey I'm not the one going to hell."

Ooh, Gargoyles. Yes, please.