Achilles Dudewrecker

Mass Effect 2/3? Is that like some DLC for the sequel?

Depends on how stacked.

Holy shit, someone else has played Jet Force Gemini! Oh, the awkward camera angles I would force to get a close-up view of the jiggling boob armor.

Don't get me started on that 50-year-old goth lady and her boss with the '90's butt haircut.

HA I saw that when it aired!

I've heard it's from Creepshow 2, but I can't be sure.


Bob, remember… You… are the first and foremost… of my dudes.

Wouldn't that be Aaron Burr?

With these supplies, we're guaranteed to think up a showstapper!

Maybe we can workstapp some ideas and find Scott some other creative outlets.

Are you saying that Rihanna can't put forth the mature effort to sustain a healthy and fulfilling relationship, as well as riding that dick like a champ? Or are you simply saying she's no Sade?

It can be two things.

Oh my God, it even has a watermark!

A few years ago, I read all his books in quick succession, so they all kinda run together for me, but MAN did my ass clench when I read your comment.

I don't think this cruelty is the best application of our imaginations.

We should really stapp poking fun at this truly crazy person.

Turns out the Mexican was just Italian.

Hey, what do I look like, some hot-shot music executive giving a tour of the storage facilities?

Yeah, but it was a crazy skateboarding stunt that had nothing to do with rock climbing.