Achilles Dudewrecker

This is a quote I use in real life. No one has caught it yet, but I do not care. Also, the fact that Humorbot 3000 or whatever said that line still makes me giggle.

What's neat is that different "paint jobs" give different upgrades for the power armor. I'm really liking my shark paint (designed like the nose paint on fighter jets), which gives you an agility upgrade. There is also a lot of customization you can do in addition to the myriad paint job upgrades. You can upgrade

So, do you just go outside and drag your ass on the lawn now?

I think it would be fun to announce your emotional motivation before a statement like the Elcor. I'd be all, "surprised and angry, followed by sarcasm" ALL THE TIME.

The settlements are a nice distraction when you want to ignore quests for a while. It gets even more awesome when you figure out the workaround for the building limit.

I really like 4, and yes it does strike more of a balance. You can forget about the main quest and just explore, kinda like Skyrim. Power Armor is cool to tank in, but you really don't need it once you learn to upgrade the normal outfits (you can add armor ratings to your bathrobe or your tuxedo). I do wish there

Colorado? Utah? Texas here. We agree on Fallout 3. I've spent way more time in FO3, than in FNV, even though I might have had more patience for NV than you did. I did an independent run, an NCR run, and then an aborted Legion run in which I changed my mind midstream, because fuck those Legion assholes. Also

Was it the southwestern flavor?

I'd like to get one, but I hope they are not priced NXS.

Reminds me of my oldest character on Fallout 3, in whose Wasteland only one of the traveling merchants remain. It kinda makes sense that it is Crow.

All this talk of Fallout NV is about to make me plug my 360 back in. The Xbox One needs to get this backwards compatibility thing going for real so I can play me some NV and Skyrim. I see all the titles for backwards compatibility and it's one or two good games, and the rest of bunch of bullshit I've never heard of.

I usually do that as well - high speech and medicine skills. Of course, I go for guns because I can never bring myself to do a big, dumb, melee character.

That Tenpenny Tower was an interesting one, in which, it was kinda unwinnable. If you let the ghouls in, they kill everyone. If you kill the ghouls, Three Dog busts your balls for it the rest of the game ("Nice going, scumbag!"). I killed the ghouls only after I learned they were going to attack the tower

You didn't read the fine print: hangin' Brain Force

Does that mean raw doggin'?

Don't you know that's not how it works? The woman lays her eggs on the pillow and the man runs past and sprays it with his essence.

I have a three day weekend, so I'm going to dig into the newest Fallout 4 DLC that came out a few days ago. So far, I've enjoyed the previous DLCs, so we'll see how it goes. I'm still needing to check out that glitch to work around the "building limit," because Curie and I need our penthouse to be as tall as

You are a sassy little waterhead.

I'm doing a joke autopsy in my mind here. I conflated that scene I described with Kramer meeting his black girlfriend's family (after he had fallen asleep in the tanning bed).

My response is a botched quote, apparently, which I thought was from Seinfeld, but turns out it's from Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. The one where the daughter brings home a white guy and the family all say they didn't know he was "tall."