Achilles Dudewrecker

No, he's tall.

Those dudes left the door unlocked on purpose.

Reminds me of when my little brother was in kindergarten, years ago. He had never seen a urinal apparently, and needed to take a shit… So the janitor apparently found a tiny little log in the urinal later that day.

Of course. Repeated syllables, stutters, mangling vowels - they're all part of a vocalist's affectation.

I'm writing a story in slow times at work, on bits of notebook paper, envelopes, an post-it notes. I'm going to have to piece this thing together later. Looking at my notebook, I'm amused see my wild scrawling of a bare bones story in the corner of the page next to some boring-ass notes from a meeting.

The world is a crazy place. Get some of that.

What if the "animals-mals" part was just an echo?

I guess you could say he trained his morals? The Kents brought him up so he wouldn't be a evil god and kill people who sneezed at him or looked at him wrong.

Not all movies, Donk. What about Rocky, huh? I'm sure there are other examples of protagonists who weren't simply granted their expertise.

I've heard it both ways for you tall dudes. If you're big and tall, it's a deterrent to some, who think twice before messing with you. On the flip side, some assholes look for the biggest dude in the room to target and take down, to prove themselves.

That's what pissed me off about the movie Kung Fu Panda. Fuck the years of training those other animal fighters had, since the Panda was "born" with the immunity to the killer move, and he was the best because he just *FELT* it more. I feel like I'm taking a children's movie too seriously, but this is the AV Club,

You see that kind of shit on Facebook all the time. No one wants to touch their little dumbass waterhead kid, and even if someone did lay hands on, they could just as easy kick their "mama bear" ass whilst doing it.

So this is pretty classy compared to the normal 100 shot compilations I watch.

They do sell used games there. Maybe get a couple titles that you weren't willing to pay full price for, OR do you have someone to whom you could sell the giftcard?

Yes, that was essentially the joke.

So, in Soviet Russia, YOU play video game!

Ahem. His title is "Restroom Attendant."

It sounds the same, though. It's a cutesy spelling to indicate she is a special snowflake.

Most people just call it "coming out"

The gigantic forehead is a bonus.