Achilles Dudewrecker

when you someone weaponize it

In Soviet Russia, stage name picks you!


Fallout 4's new Wasteland Workshop, which I downloaded in the morning. Hadn't had a chance to try it out yet, so I'll check it out after I get off work. Apparently, you can trap people and beasts, tame them, and make them battle. So, yay for new Stockholm Syndrome simulator!

I'm also getting back into GTA V, but

Tone is sometimes difficult to convey in text. Don't be too hard on yourself, Disappointed Horse!

Frequently Assed Questions

Is that even a thing, though? I mean, I found the cave painting or whatever, but I feel like it might be the developers trolling the players.

You… Are… NEXT.

Neato. Commenting now because I cannot look at your pictures at work.


Hey yeah! I almost posted a comment about that Hitman level. My favorite way to complete it was to do the ol' switcheroo with the stage gun for a real one.

That's what I strive for in life - eloquence, while not being as wrong as possible.

It's kinda how I started to feel with Sons of Anarchy. As the show went on, I found myself rooting for the cops more and more.

Regarding the potassium levels found in asses?

If it's anything like in Grand Theft Auto V, you pull up your smartphone, go to the internet, and then go to the "Money and Services" tab, click on BAWSAQ and choose your stock, and how many. Should be easy to extrapolate how to do that in real life. Happy Trading!

Dreaming. Mexico can barely keep the lights on.

Seriously. Bring back The Grey.

Grammar are how words do.

Wouldn't you have said "lower" then? It looked like you implied more of the same level of cleavage, which really, come on, man.

Orrrr…. hire someone to "tailor" the tops to an ever lower cut!