Achilles Dudewrecker

His is… homemade.

It's an older meme, but it checks out.

Ah, the ol' "see the pictures on a View-Master disc without the View-Master because my brother is using it right now" technique.

Heh. Yeah, sure.

I feel like he was making a prostitution joke, but it never really came off.

How intense is the moose-knuckle so far?

"Hey, is this the girl in that picture in the article on the AV Club?"


It's nice the state-issued health insurance covers therapy.

Or that guy who played Casey Jones in the Ninja Turtles movie.

He's got the dome for it, too.

Fighting crime in a future time!

You monster.

Turns out there is a hole in the bottom of the popcorn cup, and that is not a bonus hot dog at the bottom.

I'm reminded of Dead Space, which my friends loved, but I could not get past not being able to see the environment because the main character was just shoved in my face. The designers were so goddamn impressed with themselves about how they incorporated his health meter into the back of his suit, that they didn't

And more going in to the barber clean-shaven, and leaving with a great big bushy beard!

It's *you're* a douchebag, Ronnie.

Last night, Dad took me to a play called Shakespeare. We wore our black suits. We looked really tight.

Costner? I barely know 'er!

I jumped back into GTAV as well. I imported my online character from the 360, and just as I started to get going, I get the "Rockstar Servers are Unavailable." It's been a week or so now, what the heck man?

Lord, I've been lurking/occasionally commenting here a long time, as I remember all of those. Thanks for the reminder of how many work hours were spent here.