
I was going to bring this up, from reading the review: this is the first, and possibly only, realistic depiction of ecstasy use that I've seen on television, and one without a needless negative element, just so the kids know that drugs aint cool, too.

calling it the "The British welfare state" was a short hand for the reality of the situation; I wasn't claiming that NI somehow physically joined its neighbour…

it was worth it for the review

as for what a Cthyolic is, fucked if I know…

"Doesn't the North of Ireland belong to the people who live there, a majority of whom don't wish to join up with the failed state in the South?"

hey, thanks… sorry for being pedantic, its just something that happens a lot in the press - especially the British press, who revel in the phrase "Irish born" when they want to claim one of us or our achievements as their own - and it rankles a bit.

….also, Im enjoying series 3 a lot.

"Now, he's just Wolverine with a British accent and vampire fangs."
Jesus…. every time this happens - and its happened in AV Club articles before - it pisses Irish people off.

oh it is, but it works better…

shit, I think ZMF has better expressed what I meant by solipsistic when he says "THAT AWESOME BIZARRE OTHERWORLDLY QUALITY OF THE DOLLARS MOVIES " - in that the woozy sense of the films always led me to question the veracity of its reality. Always seemed to me it could easily have been taking place in Eastwoods

well, the Dollars films are some of the most overrated pieces of genre cinema going. They're actually solipsistic, badly acted and dated as hell. Eastwood owns, of course he does, but they're a far cry from the genius of High Plains Drifter and Outlaw Josey Wales. The Dollars trilogy has its place, but more as markers

you're wrong, of course…

that, coupled with the fact that Drew McWeeny hated it, puts this film pretty close to the top of my must sees now.

The National…
…the electric ballroom, Camdem, last year. First time id seen them live and it was beyond perfect. They played for ages and from all their albums, it was near the start of their tour, so things were brilliantly unpolished, and the group of friends I was with just made it even better, especially when Matt

ZMF would be dead in minutes.

Holy shit ZMF, Vernon Wells in Innerspace! Fuck me if that isn't a reference im glad to hear!

the explosion actually turned away from Statham. fact.

I wish Id said "oingt" five comments later…

I was oingt to say, anyone described as "Josh Hartnett-esque" must be close tog be indescribable. How do you describe a total non-entity? he must be like a photocopy of a photocopy of a really bad sketch of a pretty bad idea

yep, one man cults. danrimage summed it up just fine a few years back. This film is unforgivably bad.