
3 years on…. danrimage is still right

that link of her with her ass hanging out that ZMF posted has done the precise opposite of what he intended… she looks dumb as hell and sexy as a claw hammer.

Tried re-watching it recently, expecting to find the great film I remembered.. turned out I was hugely mistaken. What a pile of dreck that film actually was.

Hardy - great news

I feel like Kevin Spacey in LA Confidential… as he dies

christ… I think you may be onto something…

"I know this shit happens all the time, but damn"

the only way Hicks meant it was as a satire on USA machismo and Europe's views of America as a gang-happy, gun-toting cauldron of murder… he wasn't literally claiming that the States has "better" crime, just as he wasn't claiming British people really boil pizza.

nothing I like more than a days later check on old discussions… you didn't sound so bad RG; no apologies necessary.


Yep, have that myself. Also, if you haven't, get hold of the biography Agent of Evolution by his friend Kevin Booth and Michael Bertin. Great book, and it gives a real insight into his life and work without being a pointless hagiography

hmmmm… okay.

If you think that Hicks overriding characteristics were ruthlessness and a contempt for humanity, then I'm sorry to say, you've really missed the point of the man and his work.

comedy being subjective etc etc etc…. but;

you don't have crime…..like we have crime

he had to edit out all the car chases and dick jokes.



take more creative writing classes

"I loved his first two movies and can sorta see how people get sucked into stuff like THE THIN RED LINE, but it was so heavy-handed that I gave up on him in one fell swoop. Usually I don't mind some artistic missteps in people who've done great work, but that movie was such a crashing bore/sophomore philosophy/poetry