
this shit must be real. THEY really didn't want us seeing this.

Its called acting, my dear.

But isn't saying "I can't read past Jorge's "If you were someone who understood…" just as bad as the crime supposedly committed by Jorge?

Oh God…
Really? This is happening?

My initial complaint was with castigating UK television news readers as angry and self important, a description more suited to their American counterparts, and not accurate in the majority of British newsreaders.

…still refusing to delineate between broadsheet and tabloid, then?

Subjective opinion, of course, but comments like "…British print journalism is the absolute worst I've ever encountered" are about as meaningful as my original complaint about certain tendencies in American broadcast journalist.

Fuck me, Meax is right… Why Bother? is copper bottomed genius

"British journalism is a fucking joke. The majority of their newspapers are just celebrity gossip."

Jam (and Blue Jam) are indeed essential… But probably not the best place to start with Morris. Definitely shows to get into after TDT and BE, I think…

If Iannucci and Coogan float your boat, you're in for a treat. Morris is a comedy god, and that's a hyperbole free assessment. Get hold of The Day Today and Brass Eye and you'll never regret it…

"that incredibly self-serious, almost angry style of British newscasters"
Morris's response was correct. Come on. You're throwing that kind of comment at British news readers?

Oh, I like Val. Hell of a guy. It's the writer / producer / director / vineyard owner / disappointing burn out behind the scenes that dooms this to awfulness.

Well, that's a mature and reasoned response…

Very exciting indeed, it seems…

"…based on a short story Coppola wrote himself about a horror novelist…
…and will be filmed entirely on Coppola's own property in Napa."

Brits may well call something "the tits", but they'd sound like a wanker. Geordies may well say a lot of things, but it's hard to understand them, so who knows.

No "Brit" would ever say that…

It is a fact though, that this isn't the weakest episode. The second one is. By a country mile.