
There's a second season, all right. Hopefully a proper ordering of episodes, too.

But don't go too far the other way, phodreaw. It's the first time I've ever heard Bryson's research criticised. He's a great writer, and linguistics aside - if we take on face value to trust old weej, there - his research is usually highly praised.


oh dear…

still the best joke the show ever conjured up.

Diagnosed is a cunt

Following wasn't very good. Sub standard twist-plot and very, very poor acting. As a first effort, it's alright. But don't go in expecting to see a masterpiece, because it aint.

Bad, bad, bad idea…
Not only historical precedent, but the simple fact that mainstream US TV (MTV, for instance…) and film is so leery of sexual content and proper swearing.

You're a wit

How come…
This piece of shit gets a 573 word count, and Enter The Void only gets 395?

Cheers Dodobird, may just do that. Listened to a bit of cop online. I'm so there. As for this album, from my point of total ignorance of this band, it sounds like Nick Cave fronting Godspeed…

Heller's advice I need to take… The other stuff's just my standard bank holiday routine.

Never heard of these guys before…
Just listened to No Words/No Thoughts.

Pick up Darkness… juan, see how it goes. I couldn't recommend it more.

See, you've gone and called me on the only Lehane book I haven't read! Coronado's there in my amazon 'saved for later' section, and has been for ages… really should get around to it.

Yeah, he definitely changed up tone from book to book, seemingly to give the characters a small bit of respite from the alternatively doom laden conclusions of some of them. Sacred is indeed the most… OTT, in a way. The final scenes are beyond ludicrous, but in a good way. You're right about the freedom Lehane took

Yeah, because no blue collar people of Italian descent are ever related to people with ties to organised crime… EVER.

The word "twist" isn't right, as far as I'm concerned; that automatically makes us think of the ending of The Sixth Sense, or The Usual Suspects, where rugs are pulled and expectations undermined and "Ahas!" exclaimed.

Gone Baby Gone was better than any adaptation of one on my favourite literary series had the right to be. He got so much right about Lehane's world, and the style of Kenzie, that minor quibbles could be overlooked… even the less minor ones - Angies reduced importance - could be let slide.

I read Devil May Care and…