
Free Pass for this:

Was going to mention this… Surprised it's been cobbled into a film. As a series, the concept and cast is irresistible.

Frankie Boyle is the biggest cunt I've ever had the misfortune of coming across. His "skit" on Obama's surname alone should show the an up for the comedy talent vacuum that he is.

I'm going to watch Our Day Will Come based purely upon that trailer and draw my own conclusions, come what may.

That's the approach I've taken… If you will it, it is so.

Calm down lads; it's not mindless criticism or trolling… just a conversation some of us seem to have entered into. To offer you your own advice, you don't like this thread, don't read and comment on it, eh?

Not largely ignored, no, just not as popular in the mid 20's as you said. When the American aid was flowing and the times were good, there was no mass groundswell of Nazism; it was the WSC and the inflation and the prams full of money-that-couldn't-buy-a-loaf that drove a large portion of the populace towards

Tristiac - 1, no it's not… 2, that's not what we're doing.

Seconded on Teti's fall games preview, by the way…

Quiet Wyatt - totally with you on the "get frustrated when people complain that the free stuff they're getting today isn't as good as the free stuff they were getting yesterday" point. Really not trying to come across like that. I understand the nature of the beast, and I appreciate the massive tip in the scales to my

GL - there's exaggerating a little, then there's what you're saying. In 1924 Hitler was in prison. BY 1933 he had seized more or less total control of the country. Upon his release, however, and despite his best attempts to turn his trial into an event, his views weren't widely held and he really wasn't all that

Well, thanks for the response Roski, and sorry if I came across as accusatory. I'm not saying that this one column means that you've 'sold out' (pretty sure I didn't use that term at all, and was quite careful to tiptoe around the issue of the balance between advertising and content, a balance that is generally fair

Oh Lord… I'm not suggesting enabling, for Gods sake, I'm not saying I want to head straight to the boxcars and help prepare them for the unwashed masses. I'm saying that if we're going to be travelling back in time to witness an important and defining period of history (kind of a high concept idea, I think we can

I'd much rather see AV Club Curveball than 'Trending Topics', that's for sure, and IMDBates could do with a resurrection…

More Mussolini than Adolf, really… which to be fair, when he was prancing about in peacock feathers, skiing topless to prove his manliness and being manually hauled out of factories on supposedly working tractors to show how his reforms had taken effect, he did prove to have his lighter moments.

Really not getting this "It's seeing Hitler happen!" thing, are you people?

I think it's inherent in the concept that you go there with your knowledge of the time and future identity intact - as a guest, not a participant - so becoming a stormtrooper would, hopefully, not be an issue.

" You'll be able to understand and speak the language (if needed)"

Yeah, okay… well, the documentation issue is moot, as most peoples times are heavily covered, and I'm not saying that getting kicks out of racial hatred is the idea, but if you're seriously saying that watching the rise of Hitler to power, first-hand, wouldn't be interesting, then we're just going to have to agree

What's going on AV Club?
Jealous of Gawker? Desperate for cash? What's it in aid of? Modell demanding more money to keep the ZMF act going?