
Berlin, 1933-1938
Come on, seriously, how could you not want to watch the rise of Hitler, see the effect he had on the populace, attend the rallies, get a flavour of the hysteria and the beginnings of the insanity that gripped the nation, watch the Reichstag burn…

You guys are so witty, my lips fell off from laughing.

Watch New World first, then Days of Heaven.

Because flashbacks and time travel NEVER happen in the movies.

That picture is grade enough.

Lingering DV shots aside, does Affleck display any real talent a s a director?

Wild Beasts suck the big one.

"Clarkson is a wanker. Morgan is, as has been pointed out repeatedly, a cunt. It's a Brent/Finchy category issue."

But let's not forget…

The British don't do good crime?

Rivers Cuomo shouldn't be allowed to burn the Koran on Saturday.

I thought the first two seemed pretty much as MMSIC puts it, but then I noticed that you can listen to Pinkerton and the Blue Album on there, and immediately put the former on.

Not as really fucking annoying as abusive, unregistered a-holes.

Lala meant shit to us outside the US

ZMF is a gimmick. And He's a tired, tired gimmick at that.

God, you're right. I'm a real douche. I should have stuck to my guns… What was I thinking?

Oh, shit, okay… sorry about that.

Tasha Robinson is a real bore! What were the odds?

Patrick Kenzie and Angie Gennaro
Unless Lehane's going to really fuck with us in Moonlight Mile, they've been through enough to deserve a happy-ever-after ending.

I've been working here for 18 years. In 1975, no one died. In 1976, no one died. In 1977, no one died. In 1978, no one died. In 1979, no one died. In 1980, someone died. In 1981, no one died. In 1982, there was the incident with the pigeon. In 1982, no one died. In 1983, no one died. In 1984, no one died. In 1985, no