

Look, I haven't read the comments…
I'll admit, I've skimmed the article.

Yeah, the third rounds things off fine.

*of themselves….


The Hanging Gardens of Babylon 5 - I've been assured of this by many, and I'm willing to trust it. And I ended up enjoying most of season one, so it should be okay…I hope.

Cheers for the answers, by the way. I like the idea of having an old hand hovering around, the go to guy for the rules of genre writing.

And, as an example of not thinking before hitting "post", as I don't know much about H.E., what was the suing potential?

Yeah, I noticed that! Drew a chuckle… I need to invest in the rest of the series now, commit to being that kind of guy…

Oh Christ, by the way, looking back at my own post there, this was neither an attempt at firsties nor fifth-sies.

So what did this guy realy have to do with…
Babylon 5? I finished the first season recently, and he's up there as creative consultant. Was that just a BS title, like Larson on D. Moore's BSG, or did he do…stuff?

The National…Let Down…It's Alright Ma…Summerteeth…

I finally get to have sex?

I like teadoust just fine. A damn sight more than I care for your ramblings…

"Then? Well, I'd like to stay in the world of old paperbacks, but in a slightly different format. More details to come down the line."

I'm not crazy about internet message boards, but teadoust just made my day with that response.

"PretentiousDicksLikeToBitchAboutEverythingClub" is actually how I refer The AV Club in private! How did you know!?!

Hmmm…late response, Mattdotcom, but you may have a point. I'll try harder in the future.

I hear you on Willis to an extent, teadoust, but it's also kind of my point. Your man up there put Willis in the 'superstar' bracket along with the likes of Cruise, but he's a more complex actor AND a more hit and miss 'star' than that tag would allow.

"Robin Williams' acting in INSOMNIA was one of Nolan's favorite things, ever"