Solomon Grundy

Ah shit, Neckbeard broke containment. Which one of you assholes missed your assignment?

I'm a big Colbert fan, but his testimony before Congress last year was painful to watch.

I just watched his Tarantino impersonation for the first time and was a little creeped out by it.

Zodiac Mother-Of-Two would be a welcome addition, considering some of the gimmicks.

I didn't know much about the story before seeing 127 Hours, but I liked it. I can see why others wouldn't, but it worked well enough for me, though it's certainly not a must-see. Did I qualify that enough?

The version of Lonely Hearts with Salma Hayek wasn't terrible, but wasn't good either. I'm willing to guess the Eric Roberts one isn't so great…since it stars Eric Roberts.

3 years? Damn.

Casino Royale is so much better than Quantum of Solace. Casino was so different from the usual Bond formula, while Quantum was just one plane chase after a boat chase after a motorcycle chase after another.

ryan1, the weather was so-so, and I did manage to take the ole ball and chain out to dinner, take a walk Sat. night for a couple of hours, and go to the gym Sunday, so I don't know, maybe I just found more hours in the day than usual this weekend.

I saw Let Me In and The Hangover this weekend. I liked Let Me In, and I think I would have been more impressed if I hadn't already seen the original. I like the remake very much, but prefer Let The Right One In. The remake is, however, one of the best American horror movies I've ever seen. The Hangover was what it

Same here. I later appreciated his creepiness in Animal Factory.

Thanks, guys. The job market has come up often in this thread, but oddly enough, the scarcity of job opportunities is what got me into college after getting out of prison. The area I live in was already economically depressed and then the recession hit right after I got out. I looked for a job for months, got

My So-Called Life With Blue Meth On Mars?

Three Stigmata adaptation with Bryan Cranston. Please let this happen one day.

Wolfman, since you're going to have the debt no matter what, I would finish law school before doing anything drastic. At least then, you have more options if you decide that whatever you might do for fun or excitement for a while isn't for you and you want to make some money, pay off your debts, etc.

Thanks, Wolfman. I've rebounded fairly well and am ok with how things have turned out. Like you, I think about how much worse things could be, on the rare occasion I start to feel bad for myself. I'm not exactly sure where I'm headed either, but getting there is going pretty smoothly these days and I try not to worry

This sounds a lot like my girlfriend's brother. He did end up getting a gov't. job that allows him a decent amount of leisure time, but I don't think he's entirely happy with how things have gone.

Long time listener, first time caller
Sean, you're my boy and all—have I told you I love what you've done with the Newswire?—but are you trying to get laid or something? The way you gush like a schoolgirl in the intro put me in mind of some of your less discriminating colleagues. Admittedly, Ms. Farmiga is a good

Now, I don't want to call you an idiot, Warren, but your post has me wondering.

I always think of Viggo as Lalin from Carlito's Way. "It wasn't even turned on…It's something else"