Solomon Grundy

I thought this was a bad joke, but sadly this man speaks the truth.

Both Killbot and Hambone are correct.

There are so many things to love about Zodiac, and it certainly was exponentially better than The Social Network. And Koteas was fucking great in it.

I enjoyed Superman: Red Son a lot. The Walking Dead is good, but I don't love it as much as others do. Mouse Guard is great. As is Hellboy.

"…so I don't really see the point in choosing these thirteen because there doesn't seem to be anything thematically linking them to be at all interesting."

No disrespect to Bill W., as he did some great work, but if you're going to live by his quotes, I don't foresee a happy outcome for you.

Vampire's Kiss and Time to Kill (not to be confused with A Time to Kill) are the ones that sold me on Cage's delightful craziness a long time ago.

I just wanted to second the comment that contact lenses are for pussies.

Mister Digits, I was down for about a year, and it was nothing like Oz. Your acquaintance was right about the lines. There was the occasional violence or other excitement, but most of it was just boring. I spent my time in medium and minimum security, though. I'm sure there is some Oz-like shit in close custody now

When I was a teenager, I was hanging out with a friend of mine and the ex-con stepdad of another. We were watching Oz, which the stepdad hated. He said to us, "Don't be surprised when prison turns out to be less exciting than this."
And he was right!

That could either be really good or really bad. Not sure there's an in-between on this one.

I believe he was replying to Artest.

Said pic is much more tolerable pocket-sized. It's a bit much in its full glory.

And Amelie is certainly no stranger to grating!

I'll take T.K. Carter over both J.K. and J.T.

I have not seen this movie, but my fondest Keanu Reeves memory is of the tv movie where he played Andy Griffith's son. The two best parts of the movie: when Andy Griffith throws a can of beer at Keanu's head in an alcoholic rage, and when ole Andy finally shows us his beautiful tits.

I just saw that episode of Homicide, actually
Man, that was a great show.

I couldn't really get into How To Train Your Dragon because of not being able to believe the protagonist would have Jay Baruchel's voice. I haven't see Mars Needs Moms, but I think I can relate to what you're describing.

There's no way Spacey outdoes Ian Richardson at playing F.U., but I know I'd enjoy watching him try.

I love Christopher McDonald and miss Geena Davis.