Solomon Grundy

Joe Queenan
is turrible. Just turrible.

Well, it was pretty good until they cut you open and took your organs, or delivered your baby and executed you. And there's the whole no-sex thing, for most of the clones. That wouldn't be so great.

The near-extinction of spiders?

Ugh, so tired of that line.

Also, access to Scarlett Johansson clones. Yes, please.

I will join you fine fellows in protesting District 9's fate. Also, Sharlto Copley should have been nominated.

I know I'm just a tad late in asking this, but what do you mean by "without any real violence," HRN? All the shootings and particularly the stabbings by the lake seemed pretty violent to me.

At least IRON EAGLE had a point.

I almost got to the end of the first sentence before realizing this had to be Tarkovsky.

Having never seen more than a few minutes of Sex and the City or Desperate Housewives, could anyone give me some examples of the female characters behaving like gay men? I think I get the concept, but I'm having a hard time imagining what that would entail.

For some crappy CGI that will take you out of the movie, check out the bat-gremlin in Gremlins 2.

To be fair, though, it might be smart of them to try to get him into rehab, to protect their product for the long-term. Then they risk painting themselves into a corner, because if the show goes on hiatus, and subsequently they lose the ratings to another network in the interim, while also making his sobriety the

Now this is just a rumor, but I've heard that CBS is in the business of making money, not saving souls.

A great, groundbreaking premise with a genuinely scary opening, and then a hundred pages of letters back and forth between Lucy and her BFF before we get back to any good stuff. I wouldn't file it under bland results, but maybe fascinating premise, really could have used a heavy dose of editing.

I haven't seen Piranha 3D, as I was pretty sure it wasn't going to be my thing, but Triangle was really enjoyable.

Way to bookblock me there, HNO.

While we're catching up, can anyone tell me how the last couple of Weezer albums were?

I've heard he works a bookmark like nobody's business.

I have two thoughts on this: 1) Lucas is a dick for refusing to release the theatrical version, and 2) Star Wars isn't good enough to get all worked up over this. The movies were decent (the original trilogy, not the godawful prequels), but they weren't great, and they're not worth blowing a gasket over.

I'll add to the Towelie love.