Solomon Grundy

I still think this show is better than most network dramas, but it is hard to understand why the writers feel inclined to do so little with what is a genuinely decent premise and an above average cast. At least we got through an episode without Julie Benz making the Commish promise to stop crimefighting, only to break

"I cannot answer you, because it's totally unknown to me what you just asked me, and also very boring."

I enjoy some of your posts, DPA, but honestly, this is so childish that I hope it's a joke.

It sounds like someone's been reading one of Tocqueville's lesser known works, Hypocracy In America.

Well put, Penguin. I concur.

"The book's well-off, intellectual characters sit around watching local news, reality TV shows, police procedurals, and commercials apparently just to gripe about their quality."

I would have liked it if Adams had asked him about Perrier's Bounty. Man, he was good in that.

I loved this movie, too. Netflix and Amazon have it on DVD, btw.

Put me down for not liking any of the shows mentioned in this thread and many more that AVC regulars adore. Most sitcoms just seem incredibly stupid to me, and while I can see that Mad Men is a quality show, I've just never been able to get into it. I've watched a handful of episodes, and the writing is obviously good

I used to read The Maxx and watch the show when I was a kid and have since picked up the comics again, and it really is awesome. I wish they would put out the show on DVD, but that seems unlikely.

You're wrong. At the age that most kids start playing an instrument, they're not doing so to attract the opposite sex. Through junior high and high school, you're more likely to be picked on for playing a non-sexy instrument like the clarinet than to "pull chicks." Obviously, this is a little different when you're

If I may, I'd like to just say that I've always appreciated McGimmick's work. Between his gimmickry and the responses from the rest of you, it usually makes for an entertaining read.

I always interpreted it as the end of the transmission and imagine a loud droning sound cutting through a little distortion.

I agree with your first paragraph, but what I would say about that is, to continue to use the sci-fi action movie example, if such a movie deals with themes that are rich enough that it leaves you wishing the movie had dealt more with them, at the expense of the action that is a key part of the movie the filmmakers

I agree with your premise, but I didn't find Leaves of Grass to be abysmal. Admittedly, I'm not sure what it was supposed to be, but I took it as a weird comedy with some unexpectedly violent turns. If it was meant to be profound, it certainly wasn't, but I found it entertaining enough to keep it off of this list.

Didn't you see Adaptation, bro?

Chloe had a couple of decent scenes, but overall it was about a C- or D+. I certainly wouldn't call it one of the worst of the year, though.

And Nabin's unimpeachable leadership kept his movie of the year Lottery Ticket off of the list. Oh, he's also the one who reviewed Burlesque? Funny how that works.

Romantic Comedies
"When did "romantic comedy" become synonymous with "showcase for stupid wackiness"?"

Nice job, Andy Rooney. But I actually agree with that statement.