
Yes, inheritance would pass to the eldest male line. Jon would take precedence over Viserys, too.

The Targaryens don't give women equal weight for succession, though (they fought a nasty civil war about it that resulted in all the dragons dying out).

Correct, it was not in the show.

Or Dany could fly her dragons to the Red Keep, melt it while keeping civilian casualties to a minimum, establish her control of Westeros, and march the whole country to the North.

The D&D fanfiction always relies on the characters being total fucking idiots.

If Arya buys it, it splits the two of them?

The letter was the one Sansa sent home to Robb after Ned was executed.

Rhaegar and Lyanna were married!!! <dies>

But does it have Doogie Howser shoving a probe into a giant brain?


1) Boogie Nights
2) LA Confidential

I don't think we've been told why Jon being a Targaryen matters, yet. Other than complicating his relationship with Dany, what difference would it make at this point?

I don't remember where I read it, but I think they're going to be longer from here. 60 minutes in the next 1, 70 for the next, and 80 for the finale.

Wow bro you're so sophisticated.

He's come a long way. That's why they put in a shot of his gold bag spilling - the old Bronn would have grabbed the gold, run away, and lived to fight another day.

Yeah Jon is pretty much the only candidate for her.

She learned her reflexes when she had to fight blind.

Offered to help Sansa how?


Maybe. But maybe the focus will shift to Dany's hubris. They've been doing a lot of "Mad Queen" foreshadowing - perhaps she will win the war easily and her advisers will have to work to rein her in.