
Knowing at a glance how fast people can run is a superpower you gain when you come back from the dead.

Perhaps to give some kind of immunity against the wights. I'm not sure what else it could be, but I don't think it will be just random in the books.

Seems like we can close the book on greyscale. They put it in Season 5 because they thought it was going to be important in the books. Then there were no books, so they got rid of it as best they could.

I like them together

Dany: you know when we get married we can never have kids, right?

Well you should be lording your sophistication over their dumb asses.

I had the same reaction when I first watched it. Watch it again and, knowing to expect that everyone is going to act idiotic, you'll be able to put that aside and just enjoy the ride.

I really couldn't give two shits that you don't give two shits. Stop whinging.

Welcome to Game of Everyone's Too Stupid to Sit The Throne

I like them together

Which is idiotic in and of itself. All of Dany's advisors know that it's pointless to try and work with Cersei.

It's hard to get that excited about drama that's manufactured from the characters acting like idiots.

Click whoring?

Why is this on an entertainment website?

The entire subplot is stupid. Why would Arya even bother spying on Littlefinger when she can find out anything she wants from Bran?

I think it's safe to assume that Jon has them them know he's at Eastwatch

Pretty sure he brought crates of dragon glass with him to Eastwatch.

Seems like one of those details that's been muddied for the final season. Why did Dany burn the Tarlys? Because the writers wanted to show her burning up a couple of high lords.

The books go into it quite a bit with the Freys arguing over who is next in line to be Lord Walder's heir.

It's pretty weird that Cersei didn't suffer any consequences that we can see over blowing up the center of the country's faith, its beloved High Septon, and the people's beloved queen.