
It's hard to see what the end game for the Dothraki will be. Assuming Dany wins the throne, will she just send them all back to Essos, or force them to abandon their ways and settle down in Westeros?


Bronn wasn't wearing armor. He'll pull Jaime out. Assuming they even show anything beyond a dripping Jaime being taken prisoner.


I don't think anyone is talking about Jon and Dany without noting the incest. If you mean the show's point of view, nobody knows they're related.

If you couldn't enjoy that episode then why are you even watching the show?

The mention of the Golden Company was interesting. Apparently they're going to matter. Hell, given the jet packing they'll probably be fighting for a Cersei the next episode.

She looks like she's about 4 feet tall

Yes. He must be back in Winterfell next episode

He'll be a prisoner next episode.

It's a training sword with blunted edges.



Yes, they were born right around the same time but we don't know exactly. It could well have been the same day, same time, or it could have been a month or two apart.

I liked Arianne in the books, and I loved the Doran "fire and blood" reveal at the end of AFFC.

You haven't understood the objection…at all.

When else was there a secret passage?

they are

It's bothersome because other stories are being told at a much slower pace. How long has it been since Sam met Jorah, and since he treated him? Arya slaughtered the Freys within a fortnight of when she killed Walder, which is presented as the same amount of time that Euron built 1,000 ships and sailed to King's

I don't think it's a secret. It's just not something he brings up the first time he meets somebody.