
Everything Dornish besides Oberyn, Ser Barristan, etc.

I agree the show is just going to drop it, but it is a little silly. Dorne has one of the largest and most potent armies at Westeros at this point, and now they're just going to sit at home?

The Stormlands joined Stannis. The Reach never did. In the books it's very clear that the majority of Renly's army was the Reach's infantry, and they hadn't gotten to Storm's End yet. Then Littlefinger persuades them to join up with the Lannisters (which is why he's rewarded with Harrenhal), and they fight against

He says his name was Brynden, he's an albino, and he has the Bloodraven's birth mark.

I don't think the Reach ever supported Stannis. They joined Tywin after Renly died.

So what is Dany's remaining strength?

Dragonstone is a staging point. It's a fantastic base for an invasion of Westeros.

His plans aren't bad, they just didn't work out as he'd hoped.

It bothers people because at the same time weeks and months are passing, other storylines are moving at a snail's pace. How long has it been since Sam treated Jorah? Euron's fleet attacked Yara, returned to King's Landing for a celebration, and sailed to Casterly Rock in the same amount of time it took the Unsullied

Oh, you think I'm full of shit with the army of the dead bit? Well, listen to this…

So while everyone's sailing around the continent in no time the poor Walkers just can't catch a break. It took them 3 months to find that one ice giant who wondered off.

Oh yeah those guys are all gone. And they were never on the show, right? Right? Good.

Dorne? What's a Dorne?

"Killing Dad still wasn't cool though"

Good point

This is what happens when you let women run a war.

Good job making it seem like there's a chance Dany could lose.

He would only need to know that Ellaria is ruling Dorne and Dorne is in rebellion.

Who is "General Dodanna"?

In the books Ser Loras is sent with a fleet to capture the castle. Because nobody's stupid enough not to occupy one of the most strategically important spots on the map.