
It'll be lame if Tyrion's a secret Targaryen. Everyone's a secret Targaryen! You get a dragon, and you get a dragon, and you get a dragon…

On the other hand, women now run most of the kingdoms.

The show runners explained in the after show that it was a callback to season 1, where Arya said "that's not me" in response to Ned telling her she'd grow up to be the wife of a great lord, keep his castle, etc. "That's not you" was Arya acknowledging that Nymeria couldn't be domesticated anymore.

If you can't make sense of a scene without its writers explaining it, the writers did a bad job.

Every season there's tons of bitching about how nothing happened or such and such plot didn't make sense. I've been bitching about this episode.

Iron Fleet, don't go straight to Dorne, come all the fucking way up to Dragonstone first.

I'd hoped the series had reached the point where it wouldn't need these kinds of episodes anymore. Hopefully the setup is done and the ass licking can start next week.

I thought it looked awful. Strange camera work where it was hard to see what was going on. Seemed like they stayed in really close so as not to have to show more of the battle.

Hey Varys we were on a ship together for…weeks? Days, at least. But let's not talk ever.

Hey Sansa, I'm not going to tell you anything about my plans unless it's in front of everyone else. I think having my kid sister bitch about everything I do is good for my image.

But…we didn't?

So, that sea battle was pretty lame, right? Saving the budget for later I hope…

Can't be much considering Arya is still impersonating Walder.


But what about Asshai they have to go to Asshai hahahahaha I hate myself


"Not significantly better or worse than the original"? The remake was unwatchably bad.

Jeez, only 2 references to the "terrifying parallels" of the dystopian real world United States? Come on girls, you can do better!

Debbie's meltdown was a bit of "I need some screen time".

Love coming to an entertainment website to read about TV and the movies and getting pure political activist content!