
Did we get any explanation as to why there were 2 eliminations this week? Did the show just say "screw it, we don't have enough interesting footage for 2 episodes"?

Was it just me or was the editing really weird in this episode?

wait were you bing sarcastic when you said you weren't being sarcastic

I guess millennial lefties will just have to make do with the other 25 shows with this format.

Unless they've ever watched a tv show or movie before and take the hint from the cut to Jon Snow from the baby

So Cersei loses pretty quickly, no? Her own house probably doesn't like her very much, and she's not getting support from anyone elseā€¦

Yeah Bran isn't smart enough to figure out that the baby he saw is the same baby that his father brought back from the war and whose mother he always refused to talk about.

who cares

lol I thought the same thing

Quit your bitching

That was awesome.

Maybe one of them tried and the dragons burned it. We only saw a small bit of the battle. This is a dumb complaint.

It's not hard to send a nonverbal message. They destroyed 1 ship. Then they are hovering over the others. The message of "I'm not destroying you but I could if I wanted" is pretty clear.

To be fair she didn't know for sure they were coming. How convenient they showed up at exactly the right time!

I was disappointed in the battle, too. Jon was unforgivably stupid. Ramsay's death wasn't as satisfying as it should have been.

Yeah, Jon is the worst general of all time. Doesn't take a genius to yell "rally around the giant!"

Sidenote: Cavs!

Was thinking the same thing. Make yourself a hard target for God's sake!

He's the worst general ever.

Yara's ass was looking fine in that scene