
This year two high school friends of mine killed themselves (the first people in my class to die that I know of), and two of my friends lost a parent to freak accidents.

(one year later)

I would have stumped for Iceage and Titus Andronicus, but most of their works came out in the 2010s. Good call on Elbow and Lightning Bolt, though.

Swans - God Damn the Sun

Did nobody else play Transistor? :( God, I love that game. More games need buttons devoted entirely to humming.

I enjoyed Duma Key quite a bit until it got to the unfortunate business of actually explaining what was happening. But until then the lingering sense of dread was really effective. If you're up for a satisfying 2/3 of a novel (followed by a disappointing, but not totally ineffective 1/3) give it a shot.

oops, meant to put this further down

It's also a sign of the times that we're condemning movies for their representations of various demographics over a year before they're released.

No Blizzard games? For shame!

"I haven't read is newest column yet"

I'm bad at words right now, so let me just say: Thanks for this.

For what it's worth, as someone with both depression and type 1 diabetes (the former arriving long before latter), this parallel makes a lot of sense.

I was afraid to click on a tinyurl link, but you didn't let me down. Thanks for not giving me all the viruses, internet guy!

I'm pretty much entirely in agreement with you. While I love a ton of the stuff that the new album is doing, I feel like it's lacking some of the things that made me love The Seer. Most notably, I miss the gorgeous drone of tracks like A Piece of the Sky.

I saw Xiu Xiu open for Swans in 2012 and it wasn't an assault on my ears as much as it was just… weird. Only Jamie Stewart was there. My biggest memory of the show was when he shot Mentos from a slingshot at a little gong thing for percussion. I could feel little flecks of the shattered candy hit me in the chest. They

Your sense of entitlement is showing.

I currently speedrun Super Metroid. My best time in the most popular category after about 6 months of practice is 49:55. To put that in perspective, the world record is 44:28. My first completed runs clocked in at over an hour. So, I'm decent, but hardly great.

The weirdest thing about that whole episode was that he was arrested in fucking Fayetteville, NY. Why the fuck was a Canadian pop star doing cocaine 15 minutes from my house!? There is *nothing* worthwhile there.