
I realize you're just going to come back with "oh, you can't refute my arguments so you're calling me a troll", but…

I think Swans works better outside of the festival setting. Exhausted after three days of sensory overload is not the ideal condition in which to see that band. But seeing them fresh, at night, indoors? Simply fantastic.

Well Hodor is playing at my house, my house.

I haven't been a big of fan of show Catelyn, but her blood-curdling scream and pleading for mercy followed by the camera watching the throat-slitting unflinchingly (remember when it shied away from Ned's execution?) totally did me in. I don't think it's possible for anyone to see that and have a reaction other than

A lot of the best music *last* year followed that trend, too. Scott Walker, Godspeed You! Black Emperor, and Swans were all about old / inactive dudes making some of their best music to date. It's enough to make me wonder if the "shitty comeback album" is dead.

Taste the rainbow

It's really a pity, since I find "Mermaids" really likeable other than those first few cringeworthy lines.

Yeah, I actually really like the album so far. It's a great big thundercloud of a record. Every song builds up tension, and by the end of the album it's so heavy its suffocating. Higgs Boson Blues comes the closest to relieving it, but the song pulls back just before it really catches fire. Nick Cave's always had the

I'm surprised this one hasn't shown up in the comments yet: Godspeed You! Black Emperor's first release, a tape, limited to 33 copies, entitled "All Lights Fucked on the Hairy Amp Drooling". Fakes come up on the internet occasionally, but only rumors circulate about the real thing. Supposedly Constellation Records has

As great as the beginning of David Comes to Life is, I think the first two tracks of The Chemistry of Common Life top it.

Boris - PINK : Farewell > Pink

I was gonna post this. Thankfully, I scrolled down. The way druggy, melancholy bliss of the title track disintegrates into "little J is sad and fucked" is amazing.

Between those two and the new Knife album I'd be totally okay if there wasn't a single other halfway-decent record released this year.

I'd say the guitars are more of the shimmering variety.

PINK is probably the best sampler for everything Boris is capable of. Shoegaze, hard rock, the occasional sludge metal track, and a heaping helping of drone, especially on the last track. The nearly poppy melodies and overall shit-kicking playing make it real easy to swallow, too.

Wait, I'm an adult now? Well, shit.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars (the samurai jack-esque 2D one, not the shitty 3D one) was better than all of the prequels. I still can't believe General Grievous went from a total badass villain to some guy with smoker's cough.

Haven't seen the movie, but the idea of the ghost being a "rotting Modigliani painting" sounds really awesome. I'm disappointed it apparently didn't come off as well in the film itself.

Craig Ferguson's interviews are generally awesome.