King Beef

You rang?

Leave it to R. Kelly to take the piss when it comes to rape victims.

Ahem…Dr. Quinzell, Crazy Woman.

I think Smash Mouth actually created this just to subject people to sitting through watching the video for "All Star".

Saturn will always have a special place in my heart for renaming the Death Valley Driver with the greatest name ever for a finisher: The Moss-Covered, Three-Handled Family Credenza.

Even though it was a shameless and terrible knockoff of Bray Wyatt, Willow is the most interesting thing Jeff hardy has ever done.

Sting had Ledger's Joker on lock as his persona in TNA. I'll never forget a scene with him cutting a "Joker Sting" promo, and far in the background, Hernandez emerges through a door, sees Sting talking, then walks back through the door and shuts it behind him. TNA were too lazy to reshoot the segment, or maybe too

Meh. Tom Snyder was my dude. His Late Late Show is still the best.

Or better yet, Kramer Uber, which just rolls downhill backwards.

Another glaring omission: Skull Snaps - It's A New Day.

Alec Empire has made a career out of the Amen break.

I always thought "rogue human excrement" was the basic description of a standard Jimmy Buffett concert.

There is only one god; The Many-Chinned God.

Bring back Josta or fuck off, Pepsi.

In that picture, Rihanna looks like the Riddler's non-union Mexican equivalent of Harley Quinn.

"Konnichiwa, Bitches" was a warning to the criminal element.

I've been on a sabbatical away from DC during Convergence, except for Batman #40. Fortunately, Image has plenty of good titles to fill the gap.

How Bubble Guppies didn't make this list is beyond me. Goddamn, do I fucking loathe that fucking show; good thing my 2-year-old is fucking obsessed with it.

Yeah, just like they redeemed* "Mother".

Goddammit, if some asshole fucks up Howard Jones, death will be like rain in the desert compared to what I have in store.