King Beef

Its beat is definitely one of the coldest of all time. Top 5 at a minimum.

That's it! Back to Winterfell!

He did cover "Get Down Make Love" by Queen way back in the day.

I've been a near-slavish devotee of Nine Inch Nails ever since I was 14, but it's Cash all the way. I made the mistake of watching his "Hurt" video at work and had to shut my door for a few minutes.

I've been wracking my brain trying to come up with some funny and topical response, but nothing. I tried, and I gave up.

He's slapped his name on the Old Post Office Pavilion here in DC, which he's turning into his latest luxury monstrosity. It's just painted on wood as far as I can tell, but it's still tacky as fuck. Hopefully, it's the only place on Pennsylvania Avenue that he manages to infect.

Or Edgar Allan Poe.

To be fair, everyone is out of their depth with the Welsh god of song and sweat. I actually really like that cover; it shakes my ass involuntarily.

I wouldn't call "Super Bon Bon", or for that matter, anything by Soul Coughing, a "lowrider anthem". However, if I ever see a car full of cholos blasting "Bus To Beelzebub", I'll revisit this statement.

I remember reading somewhere that the lead singer of Gravity Kills took the piss out of Trent Reznor for taking 5 years to release The Fragile, and that GK could put out a shitload more albums in the same time. At that point, the only thing of note GK had released was a single on the Mortal Kombat soundtrack that I

"Kenny Rogers' Jackass" is funnier on its own than several years of SNL.

I'm pretty sure he was widowed; that might've been mentioned in his first appearance.

David Bradley is a goddamn treasure. Among many other things, he was also in the first season of Broadchurch; for what little he had to do, he was excellent.

And now we know how Sho Nuff came to be.

I hate to "well, actually…", but Boudica was publicly flogged and her daughters were raped, but not killed, when the Romans called in her late husband's debts. Prasutagus willed the rule of the Iceni and their lands jointly to his daughters and the Empire upon his death. Rome ignored the will, did the flogging and

Tiny Toons parodied that scene in Bat-Duck, and added a ™ next to the moon. Brilliant stuff.

Tiny Toons parodied that scene in Bat-Duck, and added a ™ next to the moon. Brilliant stuff.

Werd. Shane got suplexed through glass by Kurt Angle at KOTR. Twice, if I'm not mistaken.

Yeah, the only association Death has with Hogan is his ability to kill wrestling companies.