King Beef

Dammit, I want to change my name to "Poo Cloud as Parallax" now.

I think you mean "Gypsies, Tramps and Bees".

No, everyfuckingbody ELSE died on the way to his home planet. Just the way he would've wanted it.

Goddamn their eyes. They took my name for the gangbang porno that I'll never get to direct.

It was more about the chav kid getting out of Peckham and beating up the guy that was beating up his mother; the actual plot was in the first and last issues and is tailor-made for a shit film. I like to see things through, but I won't be hunting for any potential "Secret Service 2" issues in the future.

Yeah, those were pretty special.

It's a bit self-serving, but King Beef Wellington.

It took me a couple of listens, but it definitely got me. I remember when it came out and I was really starting to appreciate it more after repeated listening, and talking to some friends of friends about it. They said they hated it because it wasn't The Downward Spiral. Um, yeah dude, that's kind of the fucking

It took me a couple of listens, but it definitely got me. I remember when it came out and I was really starting to appreciate it more after repeated listening, and talking to some friends of friends about it. They said they hated it because it wasn't The Downward Spiral. Um, yeah dude, that's kind of the fucking

Well done. You get sarcasm.

I was there. Normally watching this sort of thing on TV is bad enough; it's MUCH worse live. Never mind that this film shouldn't have been made in the first fucking place, you would think that WWE may have learned a lesson by trying to do cross-promotion. Everyone hates it, and with good reason.

No; sadly, I got hung up on that as well. Then Torrie appeared and I forgot he ever existed.

Nitpicking here, but "FTL" means "faster than light".

Late to the party bros, but yeah, I just listened to it for the first time. Needless to say, that's staying in the collection.

I have to object here; Changeling is THE shit. I heard that played in between sets at a concert completely at random one time and had to control the stupid expression on my face; that's how much I love that track.

Not to nitpick, but…
"What's fascinating is that having that expectation fulfilled means that the faith that helped bring you to that point anymore. That's fine if you're just having faith in, oh I don't know, become a professional writer…"

Let us give thanks to Tyler Perry.

Finally, after all these years…
Someone has made Fred Durst look credible.

I had no idea that David Graf was dead until now. Jesus fuck, that's depressing.