King Beef

Now all we need is…
An insider trading charge on Stephen Dorff. REMATCH!

Since no one else has mentioned them…
Lake Trout. The most fucking amazing live band I've ever seen.

The A.V. Club, surely.

I'm going to be pedantic about this…
…and if it was posted elsewhere, fuck you; I'm too lazy to check. But "The Cat and The Claw" was the debut episode of Batman:TAS. It's one of the few things I choose to remember from adolescence.

@Super Karate Monkey Death Car: Thank fuck someone else knows Mary Prankster; as soon as Def Leppard showed up here, "Breakfast" was the first thing in my head.

@Tea Bomb: Gummi Bears started out on Saturday mornings, and only made it to Disney Afternoon in its last season. So fuck you in kind.

The ability to give a $500 lapdance is insignificant, next to the power of the Force.

@failedtheologian: Fucking tell me about it. We just had an interlull last month, didn't we?

Peter Serafinowicz being in this film should have been today's Buzzkill. I'm just going to watch all of "Spaced" this weekend to make up for it.

Could you be a bigger poser? LEGO Changes is a best-of!

Here's how this problem can be remedied…
Meth should pay any fee assessed to him entirely with hot nickels.

@Backfire: It's "diversify your bonds".

I'm sure we'll all be able to see Jon Gosselin on VH1's upcoming show "Deadbeat of Love".

Shit Fucker 3: Look Who's Shit Fucking Now!

Odd YouTube Notice
"This video is not available in your country due to copyright registrations".

I literally shuddered after reading those lyrics. Did someone just throw magnets with words at a refrigerator door and transcribe whatever stuck?

Nah, this nugget of stupid has the stink of Rick Sanchez all over it.

This whole thing makes me wonder if Bob & Tom will eventually have a show on Fox News.

KFC: Eat this, you fat dummy.

@Al Cracka: I was debating whether or not to post that…well done. Fucking great song.