King Beef

I"m a bit ashamed of myself now…
…my username is a "Martin" reference.

He's too busy jizzing his pants over all this famous death. I can see the strain in his face right now trying to contain the spasms.

Well, he didn't die of cancerAIDS, that's for sure.

Lo, I flee-eth with the lottery; possibly, they spotted me.

And verily, the Man of Method spake, saying "I shalt fucking tie thee to a fucking bedpost with thine asscheeks spread out and shit, right? Lo, I shalt putteth a hanger upon a fucking stove and letteth that shit sitteth there for like half of an hour, taketh it off and sticketh it in thine ass slow like tssssssssssss".

A hip-hop bible has already been written…
…it was called "The Wu-Tang Manual".


Too bad Stephenie Meyer never titled one of the books "Waxing Gibbous"…it practically writes itself.

This makes perfect sense
The series is full of sparkly dildos anyway, so why not let life imitate art?

"Aww, nuts!"

To be fair about the Anelka thing, his brothers did manage to get the Arsenal a shitload of money when he was sold to Real Madrid, some of which went to the purchase of Thierry Henry, so the greedy twats were good for something.

That video is like the love child of "The Last Dragon" and and an Indian television miniseries. Rebbie Jackson has the GLOW!

If I were her son, I'd hit it. Well, I'd have a better chance, anyway…

I swear to the maker
I thought that was Lea Thompson on the poster for a moment.

His epitaph should read,
"Hi, Billy Mays here for eternity."

No matter how she dies…
…she'll only fuck it up by appearing in the next scene with the instrument of her demise still sticking out of her head/torso/Wentz. Upon being told that she should still be dead, she'll just Hee-Haw her way off the set, true to form, then she'll be given another chance to die properly.

I love how my two main characters in that game were mentioned; Shuma Gorath and B.B Hood. You haven't lived until you've beat someone's ass with a squid and a 12-year-old girl.

@HellToupee: The line in between is "cherry-bombin' shit".

And yet, there's no lizard god in "Catcher in The Rye". I feel gypped.

Not to nitpick, but that was Raekwon asking about his "Killer" tape.