Crook Kid

Yup, @avclub-21a8615938a206d4311a58a53ad8890e:disqus . There's a few obvious scenes that made me livid (i.e. Red Wedding), but the scene you're talking about is the most straight-up sad.

That's either a bike path, or those people are HUGE.

She's 37. Not exactly a child.

I was really hoping for The Big Red No to show up for this newswire, but what could the picture have been?

I thought the whole thing ends pretty much on a cliffhanger.

Oh, man, I hope that was a typo.

My first R movie was Double Impact! My much older, terrible-influence of a cousin gave me the choice of that or Terminator 2. Being the frightened 7-year-old that I was, I said I would just wait in the lobby. Instead, he dragged me into Double Impact. I think that was also my first movie-boobs experience.

@avclub-72ad8dd8124336c31c6cecc648370d98:disqus I bet you're a fan of that James Franco pic O'neal always uses, aren't you?

Dammit, I know I've seen that episode at least twice. Negative 500 F & G points from me.

I'm inclined to like your comment, @avclub-6ffc79f9decf633c29b09e6c25621195:disqus , but I just don't know what to make of your last point.

@avclub-8d2583b317ce1bd4962cec8605c5676a:disqus is utterly, unfortunately right. Godammit.

@avclub-eb70e805387fd94edd03a9fb68dbce6d:disqus yours is the more reasonable response. Nevertheless, I feel compelled to reply: Holy shit! @avclub-70d31b87bd021441e5e6bf23eb84a306:disqus is back! Not that I missed her, but still…

Hm, those sexual innuendos took a real confusing turn there.


@avclub-3e4d20980bad82814414cb12fecc0e18:disqus , I think you forgot ovulating.

I need help reacting to something.

To be fair, O'Neal's "attempts" do pale in comparison to Nugent's own efforts.


All of Terriers is just 13 episodes. Get on it.

Don't you mean… purrfect?