Crook Kid

You are now responsible for a terrible mental image of Edgar Winter.

Is Ben Wyatt a "paramour," strictly speaking? I don't think so.

Dammit, where's the @Heisenberg gimmick account to say: "It ends… when I say it ends."

Dammit, @HBO CEO of Tits, why couldn't you have put thatm in the pun thread!?

Fargo fuck yourself.

Um, Adam Sandler already did this movie.

It would actually be pretty similar to April and Andy's relationship on Parks and Rec, incidentally.

Spy-noir is a perfect descriptor for this movie. And it's one of the most faithful film adaptations of a book I've ever seen, yet very cinematic.

I was in junior high, dickhead.

The bad kind.

That's…that's not a tear.

Mike Allred is a mensch, himself. A few years ago, a friend and I attended a Q&A with him at a local comic-con here in Portland. He had issues of his most recent issue of Madman to hand out. The moderator offered to hand them out for him, but Mike insisted, saying, "Oh, no. I like handing them out!" That's a minor

But what does Ricky Henderson have to say about this?

Should I click on this?


Well, I've never seen this movie, but I would like to. So there.

He was good in Collateral. Basically, he's fine as long as he's playing a sociopath.

Pick that nit, I say. That irked me too.

Yes and yes!

Do you speak it!?