Crook Kid

Well, you're certainly setting an admirable example in the most gracious, modest way possible.

Same here. I've had really similar dreams since a friend of mine was killed several years ago, but in those I'm the only one who realizes he's supposed to be dead and I keep looking to my other friends for reassurance that this is totally bizarre, but getting not response. This is also strange because I was just

Seriously, I just now finished this movie ONLY BECAUSE OF THIS INVENTORY, and it fucking sucks! Just boring with nothing creative or generally bad-ass. I guess it just boils down to "characters' choices not making any goddamn sense" that tends to get to me. Oh, well.

I just now, after reading this GTG, then, uh, "renting" the movie, then finished watching it, determined that, yes, Near Dark is fucking awful and a chore to finish. I'm so consistently in step with the general AVC consensus that I'm very confused right now. I mean, just awful, boring, cliched piece of shit.





"I can understand simple ignorance, but opinionated ignorance is just the worst."
Yes. Few things make me inclined to just utterly dismiss a person's point of view on anything as this.

Fillum? Damn near killed him!

I agree with all the points above and they're all still true for this episode, but was anyone else just a little distracted by the camera work? It wasn't bad exactly - it was just so different than the seasons up till now. A lot more hand-held and generally more stylized shots. Again, I'm not saying it it was bad, it

Too late.

Doing this spastastic dancing, hopefully?

I'm about 150 pages into The Yiddish Policemen's Union for my book club. I've been meaning to read some Chabon for a while, and I'm definitely enjoying it so far.

And based on your accolades, @avclub-1786aec3a614d40f1e566fde557a1799:disqus , I'm inclined to give Goon Squad another chance. Structurally unconventional, but "emotionally affecting" sounds like a real enticing combo.

And based on your accolades, @avclub-1786aec3a614d40f1e566fde557a1799:disqus , I'm inclined to give Goon Squad another chance. Structurally unconventional, but "emotionally affecting" sounds like a real enticing combo.

I started Goon Squad, but just couldn't get into it enough to finish before it was due back at the library. I'm willing to bet it's a pretty satisfying read on the whole, but the first couple of chapters didn't motivate me to pursue it further.

I started Goon Squad, but just couldn't get into it enough to finish before it was due back at the library. I'm willing to bet it's a pretty satisfying read on the whole, but the first couple of chapters didn't motivate me to pursue it further.

OK, I'm pretty tired of the Anne Hathaway/fap jokes, but that one was pretty good.

OK, I'm pretty tired of the Anne Hathaway/fap jokes, but that one was pretty good.