Crook Kid

Congratulations, @avclub-523a9ae9c20387fe0507793338aa7593:disqus ! (How often do I get say that?) Glad to hear things turned out well.

Congratulations, @avclub-523a9ae9c20387fe0507793338aa7593:disqus ! (How often do I get say that?) Glad to hear things turned out well.

Oh, and my mom was 39 when she had me.

Oh, and my mom was 39 when she had me.

Definitely true in my experience. According to everyone involved, my mom was far more over-bearing with me than she was with any of her other, much older children.

Definitely true in my experience. According to everyone involved, my mom was far more over-bearing with me than she was with any of her other, much older children.

"You talkin' to me? Are you talkin' to me? No? You're talkin' to the other guy? Oh. Well, never mind then."

"You talkin' to me? Are you talkin' to me? No? You're talkin' to the other guy? Oh. Well, never mind then."

Can we all just agree that it's an incredible album that, in the parlance of out times, "owns." Though, for my money, The House That Heavan Built is utterly transcendent, and makes me dance like I'm in a fist fight with the sky.

Can we all just agree that it's an incredible album that, in the parlance of out times, "owns." Though, for my money, The House That Heavan Built is utterly transcendent, and makes me dance like I'm in a fist fight with the sky.

Ew. Why are you talking about his mom's main stream?

Ew. Why are you talking about his mom's main stream?

Your condescension is unnecessary. In the comic, she states explicitly that she does, in fact, have an actual doctor who doesn't know what she has, and that she has had blood work done to find out.

Your condescension is unnecessary. In the comic, she states explicitly that she does, in fact, have an actual doctor who doesn't know what she has, and that she has had blood work done to find out.

The Body, The Blood, The Machine is easily the best place to start. From there, I'd say you could go backward to Fuckin A or forward to Now We Can See. I love all their albums, though, if not for all the same reasons.

The Body, The Blood, The Machine is easily the best place to start. From there, I'd say you could go backward to Fuckin A or forward to Now We Can See. I love all their albums, though, if not for all the same reasons.

Which would be ridiculous!

Which would be ridiculous!

The original Battlestar Galactica

The original Battlestar Galactica