Rev. Chauncey Grizzly

God vs. No God…God wins but only because there is more exposure…

What are these new assertions that Biden is just as fucked as Sarah "Don't Cha Know" Palin?

"I'd be misspelling a comment into some sentence about Bill Frist."

It was either that or "First." I stand by my choice.

Ah, another witty retort to add to your internet resume.

You Talking To Me?
Huh? Are Ya? Hold on, let me turn up my hearing aide? What Now?

El Zilch - I think the problem is a bit deeper than that. Our insistence of drugs is only matched by our collective ignorance to the human mind. Often taken at a collaborative satistic, many psychiatrists and MDs are only familiar with the symptoms, not alsways treating the patient as an individual but merely a

Play "Freebird!"

Tits - That's agood argument. I have taken issue with that myself, that he's suspicious of faith-based reasoning and yet only anecdotal evidence can support his vegan "perfect health" claim.

O'Reilly is the real world equivalent to an internet troll; he knows better, he also knows he can get an audience, even if they all hate him. Alas, he may enjoy the attention but no one likes a troll.

I'm having a hard time keeping the kettle from beating the shit out of the pot.

Scots - Kenny G is a talentet soprano-saxophonist, as well as Jimmy Buffet is quite advanced on the guitar.


Trust me, they have no grasp of tedium. Nor irony, as it turns out.

Ned Flanders may have something to say about all this diddling!

It's like what Lenin said, man; 'you look for the person who will most benefit and..you, know…you…'

Hey y'all, I want you to run down town and get me a sugar cookie…

The Return…
Of the ten-year solo. Have we gotten to the arpeggios section yet?

You're doing it wrong. If you're gonna be an imposter, it's good to have nothing else to do to come up with gems you can repeat over and over again.

You know, normally I don't do this but..