Rev. Chauncey Grizzly

At one time I believe there were a few, but yeah. Thanks, glad to know there's still a few people from the ol' days. I've been lurking ever since, although I do miss sparring with ZodiacMF.

RIP Ru Paul.

Bastard Sapling and almost every band on Gilead media are excellent. This track is no exception.

Jason, you need to stop using full sentences and full words. Kids only understand text-speak, dance machines.

OR the Japanese spend less time living like rock stars and more time doing shit. This much music is very possible, if you don't go to the bars every night instead of practicing or writing.

I'll go A-. It's not a "next-step" kind of record. More like a different take on the group's over-all dynamic. Takes a bit to sink in - remember when albums had time to "grow on you?" This one demands repeat listens for full comprehension. Cave In never really repeat themselves, and this is their weirdest

Maybe Comedy Central will just block a 12-hour spot for Futurama, M-F? I just can't get enough psuedo-ironies disguised as jokes. I've never laughed so softly in all my life.

No no, no amount of ANY intoxication could make this POS watchable. We tried. We failed.

Seriously!? Okay, so I pledged my $10 to this weekend's highest grossing movie and it was god-aweful. I mean really bad. What it is that justified an AV Club "B," i'm not sure. Action sequences are lame, explosions are over-done (how? watch this POS), and any lingering polt element from every 80s action movie is

Really though, Lobsters, it's too bad you hate something that could make you smile (if you were capable of joy). Alas, your conservative nature, old codger character, and joyless trolling set you up to enjoy less stimulating entertainment. I won't speculate as to what entertains such a person with a similar internet

They rapin' errybody up here..

Do want… Tits or GTFO

So David Prowse is forbidden from attending

Maybe they can call this one "Just Really Thai-erd".

How Do These Things Keep Happening?
I have the interweb… I should have known about this and listenedto it 30 times by now.

When I'm With You…
WIT YOU!!!!!!

…Of Gayness
So, there's that.

When will Vegimite sue for the reference?

You said "but fuck Prince." The five year old inside me just wanted to point that out.

Miss The Old Drummer, But…
This album kicks.