Rev. Chauncey Grizzly

Let it out big guy. There, you feel better now?


You kill the Joe, you make some mo'

Fuck Brian Bosworth. Go for broke, het Technoviking. You just have to teach him english and fill a brandi snifter with extacy.

Why Buy Root Of All Evil?
I like Lewis Black but I'm pretty sure he'd be railing against this DVD if he weren't in it.

Ghian - What exactly is a douch-bag? It sounds lovely.

Mogwai Pitchforked
Go to Mogwai.co.uk look at the article about the "rough draft" of the Pitchfork review. Spot-on. Pitchfork had to issue a statement because it was so close. Fucking funny shit.

I'm not trolling, but…
I liked the episode. Mind you, I'm not acquainted with the British Little Britain and my only interest in this show was fueled by Michael Patrick Jann's involvement. But I enjoyed it - sure it's not the greatest sketch comedy I've ever seen, but until that damn State DVD comes out, this is all

Ya see, there's a fundamental difference between my opponent and myself; he's willing to give Katy Perry and Gym Class Heroes one more second of fame?

Rockwell WAS Zaphod. I can now see no one else in that role through the entire misnamed trilogy.

Aww. How cute?
Katy Perry is in love with the heavily tattooed, marginally talented lead-spitter of Gym Class Heroes.

I'm going to realize that life's not all about how great I can roll a spliff or how cool I look tic-tacking around on my skateboard.

Last time I did that…it got stuck.

Fat Charley - I don't come down to the corner where you work and slap the dick out of your mouth. What gives?

Dear Immaculate Misconception,

A very tired Man…

Okay… When I see Sigur Ros live, the energy has more emotional appeal, eventhough I can't understand what they are singing about, than a band from which, I can understand the lyrics.

Immaculate Misconception - Good field guide, but it is spelled Chauncey.

At least that keep talking about Shia on Entourage… A-list actors only, please!

Was Jerry O'Connell a principle actor in it? Is it Stand By Me? Then it's bad.