Rev. Chauncey Grizzly

Go tell your Mem Mem about the stranger danger you just encountered. Pep Pep might ground you for being impolite.

Other Than the Principle Actors Invoved
And the guacomole' length shelf-life this show had, what's to have an opinion on?

I have a hard time understanding why I feel more listening to jibberish lyric-ridden music than that of prose I can decipher meaning.

And….A horse walks into a bar, the bartender says, "why the long face?"

…looks like you blew a seal?!

Q: What did the blind and deaf kid get for Christmas?

Totz Jr - Been watching ETID - Shit Happens? Great shinfo.

Tim & Eric- Good - Ben Folds & Regina Spektor….Eh.
Ya blew it!

Fake Chauncey walks into a bar with a pile of shit in his hand, he says,

Ya, get it Paul?

Duo - Been reading Rolling Stone? Zach Galifinakis, right?

How do you find a blind man amist an orgy?

Sorry, I'm honestly not familiar enough with Sam Rockwell to make any jokes at his shortness of air.

Why yes, it was. Needless to say I never watch the food network, or else my entire house smells like an apartment complex's hallway.

A Movie Channel That…"I'm your Venus I'm your fire…"
Has commercials is abit hard to deal…"One-eight hunded Safe Auto, play it safe, Safe Auto…" with but you get used to it after a while, it's the %^$*) censorship I can't $#$#* take. Blazing saddles even had the famous… "HEAD ON apply directly the forehead HEAD ON

I love how you guys find homoerotic comments funny. No one can take that away from you.

The one temptation that Fake Chauncey can't battle with his dinger, is posting as someone else to hilarious effect.

Except for the fact that somethings are grounded in Science, others in tradition, and even more so in the minds of men of god, who are just making shit up.

Seriously, racist comments now too? Fake Chancey, do yourself a favor and just stop.

You know how you guys bitch about the "high schoolers" thing? Here's the thing. I'm not trying to take you down, but the AV Club is virtuallt troll and Fake Chauncey free until you guys get out of school.