Rev. Chauncey Grizzly

A sign of the season's change I hope
Perhaps 16th-note hi-hat hip-hop is on it's way out… Damn.

Athiest Circle Jerk - It's a good question, and I like that you're ready to be a part of this discussion without trying to insult people.

Atheist Circle Jerk - Perhaps you should ask before you assume. I went to Catholic school. I was most certainly taught creationism, as were my friends who went to a different (Catholic) school. Anything else you wanna blast me for being obviously uninformed on?

Intelligent Design is NOT Evolution and Craetionism combined (I once thought this too, much to my dismay to find the truth), it's creationism repackaged to not be blatantly religious, so schools can accept the cirriculum.

My invisible friend wants you to feel like shit once you're born. I mean, two-thousannd years ago your ancestors crucified Jesus. Time to pony up for your mstakes…oh, and don't masturbate.

Careful, the Maher thread may bleed over and you knwo what that means. We'll have to act like Creationism is just as likely as Evolution beacuse someone believes it, and we shouldn't persecute someone's beliefs because we have Freedom (Yay America!), and that means we can't critisize non-critical thinking.

The Hawk Is Howling is a pretty damn good album. What's funny, go to www.mogwai.co.uk and read the news story titled "Another Leak."

Salyer's merch girl owns fake ZMF

How does Piven look younger now than he did when he was in PCU in '93? He has more hair too, but that's easy. Dude watches CNN at night and asw the commericial for Bosley, where guy is in a karate class.

non-viewer. under_scoring is correct, that is how it was said.

No she said, "You're far from a 16-year old's wet chili festival, but you can dream."

You are the Michael Phelps of sucking at life!

Just a little boy who should realize that's exactly what you're making yourself look like.

I still don't think you know what it means, little boy.

Wouldn't you just shit if I turned out to be Modell or Phipps?

I doubt you could define irony without a copy/paste fact finding mission to an online dictionary.

Yet another indicator, I'd never use the tired-ass insult douchebag. That's AV Club 101, anyone who throws out Hipster douchebag, or just douchebag is in fact a…

I'll gladly watch you continue to spread my noteriety. I didn't even have to type in all caps!

You say you hate me, but yet you need me. Your boring-ass AV Club existence is a vicarious undertaking, impossible without the very person you gave notoriety to.

Bee Man,