Rev. Chauncey Grizzly

Why? I love you.

"Sorry I'm late. I got held up felating truckers at the gas station . . ."

Now don't get pissy Fake Chauncey. The rest of the Fake Chauncey army frowns down upon any attack not including a gay slam, or most recently beastiality. Unchecked agression is not part of the Fake Chauncey National Charter. You may get a demerit and reassigned to be ZMF imitator.

Shaq's dick is easily amused.

You guys overestimate my dedication to my notoriety. The Fake Chaunceys have done a great job of facilitating that.

I consider your intent being wrapped in irony you aren't even aware of.

Grizzly is a moron - Don't worry. You still suck at life. I haven't forgot about you.

Choco Taco, you know better than that. Don't let the Fake Chauncey army fool you. They are a tricky bunch. Extremely homophobic, scatologically pleased, and obviously will stop at nothing to get…nothing accomplished.

Can you just get your own fucking name? It's been over a month. Even Hillary knew when to quit.

That's the difference between me and the Fake Chaunceys; I am sucking a hippo cock right now! Jealous much?

It took me a while to realize, but I believe the bulk of posters on this message board aren't of legal drinking age yet. Which makes the entertainment standards, as far as posts are concerned, on par with the Scary Movie franchise.

Not trying to feed the boring-ass troll here, but FAKE ZMF - it's masturbate, with a u.


I don't know - but I do know this, that was the longest conversation I've ever had.

"H2G2 Universe", I love it.

I'll allow it
Although Adams had a rare sense of humor I doubt even his biggest fan could pen.

The Lord of Our Fuck Birth

"I'm such a tool - and now I have a headache. I think I'll go masturbate."


You knew not to include the (!). Well done.