Rev. Chauncey Grizzly

Fo Reals?

Well, will there be new episodes?


That's my point, numb nuts. Great choice. Enjoy repitition much?

Ask the guys Bill Gates fired.

Republicans for Voldemort

Something to season my Bacos!

With great power comes great ability to be a bitch to more people.


Will do.

You mean like Street Anger?

Is this their first switch
Where have I been?

And it must also be hard to somehow be the ugliest member of KoRn. That's saying a lot.

The good ones always die from speed-balls.

I bet the new Metallic-ya is chock-full of dissapointment-ya. Even for their four fans left-ya.

Seriously? You want a ZMF primer? I know you ZMF-Troopers would love nothing more than ZMF in every thread so you can rally around his fifth-grade ramblings, but you really want AV Club interviews with him?

I think nancy needs to move on after the cliffhanger and get mixed up with a Meth cook. It's the next logical step for her dealings as well as her love life.

Well, well looks like somebody learned how to use the Google machine, or actually paid attention in school. Huh, chap? Right-o!

Not Overwhelmed, nor Underwhelmed
Just whelmed

Because too many people get their news from Colbert and Stewart instead of O'Reilly, adependable advocate of the truth.