Rev. Chauncey Grizzly

This is getting confusing. Where's Rev. Chauncey MOTHERFUCKER, or Rev. Chauncey Von Salsa?

It's bigger than a normal hat. It's funny.

Nah, Hoffbrau Haus.

Eine Stapler Ist Jello!
Dwight, du bist schwul!

Belgian shoe-gaze? Is this supposed to be funny? I thought if you were gonna co-opt my name you should at least call me gay, or make me out to be a pedophile or something. This shit's boring.

Ghost Dad? What are you? An asshole? Fuck dipshit, try Leonard Part 6 and call me when you grow a pair, figgnuts!

Uh, oh. Obviously Kindergarten got out early today.

But then again, this show's veiwing audience is technically brain dead. One of those "can't polish a turd" situations.

Michael Winslow. And what's not funny about loud chewing noises and ear shattering slurps through a straw. "Hungry Diane?"

Slicked back, though. He was quite the villian.

Yeah, and that lady that played "Old Maid," The "Where's the beef?" lady.

Only if that "experience" makes you better able to lead our country from this current flurry of bullshit.

He needs to take that big guy on the road with him, huh?

What was your first clue? Paris Hilton and Britney Spears in a campaign ad? Hillary supporters "not talking" to Obama, refusing to support the sexist bastard?

MCCAIN is so old…
Abraham Lincoln's high school was named after him.

Yes, goes plop-plop. Indeed.

A New Judge!!!!
Oh please, please let them be pro-choice. This show needs to be aborted yesterday.

That itself is a strawman. You know we are talking about the public forum. Not the Onion AV Club.

Hey Vet. Sure, I use colorful language, but the Republican party loves to take the focus off the issues.

Also, it's evident that if you want Religion the fuck out of public policy, the McCain may not be the way to go.