Rev. Chauncey Grizzly

Seriously, if you've been to a Rock Band party, chances are you didn't get laid.

Yes they are.

Mitchell, put your shoes on honey, we're home.

A vaccuum? An oxygenless chamber? An area where no fat pople are at the time? So it's okay as long as no one hears it?

A vaccuum? An oxygenless chamber? An area where no fat pople are at the time? So it's okay as long as no one hears it?

I Do not Envy Your Job
Not one bit

That's exactly what that quiet girl in the back of class would say, too.

Fair enough. Are you a brit? I think our main malfunction seems to be that you might take everything, that isn't obviously silly, seriously by me. Look, obviously I have very strong opinions, sometimes seaminly to play Devil's advocate. Sometimes I do. At heart, I am a nice guy. On here, it depends on how much

I think it was quite evident, that even though on the surface it looked like fatty hate, underneath it was twenty or so people making each other laugh.

Anyone who doesn't notice is a total dick but Beth Ditto is fat.

Neil Peart
Was great in ATHFMFT.

Maybe I could just learn a few zingers from you?

Why would that bother me? Oh, I get it. I would like playing a video game with plastic instruments if the Red Album was on there. Okay I'm a geek for liking that album but not the people who have formed "Rock Band" bands. Okay?

Holy fucking shit, you're from Blue Ash? You really have t-shirts? Your story gets better and better. Is that you and your girlfriend at prom? Did they play Slayer?

And defend against the trolls any time an article mentions Rock Band or Guitar Hero!

Hi honey, we've missed you around here. How was summer school. Own any new frinds?

No I Have To Buy…
Shopping Hero to purchase this. I have Car Hero to get me there, but I'm still waiting on Job Hero in order to Afford Hero all these Hero video games.

Eww, gross it's like kissing an ash-tray…

Oh, and Beck is a fucklin' Scientologist…just so we're clear that's the comment that made you sit up and say "who's this asshole." A fuckin' fact. Lord Xenu, the spaceships that look like 747s, souls in a volcano, Theaten levels = money speant. Fuckin' Scientology.

Oh, wait you don't?