Rev. Chauncey Grizzly

But there were two Darrins in Bewitched, shaa right, as if we wouldn't notice. But wait a minute…Dick Sargeant, Dick York…Sargeant York. That's wierd.

With all due respect, I'm sure those survivors of one of the greatest atrocities in modern history have better things to worry about than whether Lemmy from Motorhead is wearing a Nazi hat or not.

Somebody stop him! He's causing the Holocaust 60 years ago. Isn't anyone gonna do anything about it?

Pete Rose?

HEY! Nazis are people too, you fucking predjudice motherfuckers.

That's better.

Irregardless = with regard (double negative) also not a word. But I missuesd in lieu twice today. So…

Even better: A crown of thorns, holes in his hands, a A Star Of David neclace, a Swastika pendant, a pitchfork in one hand, and a copy of Dianetics in the other hand for good measure.

Yeah, therefore if it offends you, it's your own fucking fault.

Deca ejoys fucking his mother, sucking off his brother and when he's done its off to thi internet… Someone may be wrong on there.

But Americans are fighting over a fucking hat on the internet Fuxtarrdo!

"Catch Me If You Can" reference nothwithstanding, I doubt Lemmy gives a fuck about baseball.

My favorite exchange:

That hat symbolizes whatever the fuck you want it to. It's just a fucking hat. It didn't kill anyone.

Yeah, you know funerals, national memorials, wedding rings are the same thing as a hat. No difference. No one said Lemmy isn't a dick. He is. But he still is fuckin' Lemmy.

About right pally, we'll see about that!

It's cloth and plastic. Are we to condemn cotton andplastic because of their involvement in the Holocaust?

Phoebe Cates tits in the book? Damn!

I'm really not gonna debate this with you. I know there is not a "!" in that bands name, and also that Panic At The Disco dropped theirs.

Thanks, now I can sleep tonight. May I direct you to the definition of Sarcasm?